Poverty is a significant issue in the Philippines, affecting millions of people across the country. Despite being an emerging economy, the Philippines still struggles with high levels of inequality, limited access to education and healthcare, and a lack of job opportunities. According to the World Bank, around 16.6% of the Filipino population, or over 17 […]
Maligayang Pasko!!
Adoption is a Beautiful Thing! Who could possibly disagree with that statement! Bringing an abandoned or orphaned child into your family, your home and your life is one of, if not, the most beautiful things anyone could do with their lives. James 1:27 indicates that taking care of orphans is “pure and undefiled religion” in […]
Please Read! It’s unfortunate I have to write this but the Philippines Orphanage Foundation, along with many other charitable organizations, is subject to scammers. We greatly value the support of our donors, so we are publishing this to bring caution and awareness that there are individuals impersonating and claiming to be acting on our behalf […]
Life is highly unpredictable, and anything can happen to anyone at any time. Every day, more children are finding themselves parentless and it’s a problem that God cares about very deeply. God cares about orphans. He cares about them so much that He gave instructions on how they are to be cared for in both […]
When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. Galatians 4:4-5 People have been adopting children for years now but have you ever wondered how it all started? Many […]